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YouTube Content Ideas to Help You Grow Your Channel

YouTube Content Ideas to Help You Grow Your Channel

Updated:  Jul 25, 2024
Created:  Sep 18, 2023
Time to read:  3 min

YouTube in 2023 is crowded with content creators of any kind which makes it hard to compete and find a niche for beginners. Let us share tips and fundamentals on creating content for YouTube that will make your channel grow.

YouTube videos idea and niche

Don't overthink about the niche and pick a subject that you would like to dedicate yourself to. It is important just to start and post your 1st three videos let them be shorts or full-time videos on the subject you would like to talk about.

YouTube Content Ideas to Help You Grow Your Channel — Photo №1

Dedication and approach

First, you need to decide how dedicated are you going to be to your channel. There are 3 different approaches:

  1. Hobby/Casual approach
  2. Dedicated
  3. Business

Despite your choice, you need to build a certain level of consistency in releasing videos.

As with any other occupation let it be the relationship with a person you need to meet once a week at least. YouTube is the same, so be ready to upload a video at least once a week.

Fundamentals of creating YouTube videos

If you take YouTube seriously placing it above just a hobby level, and want your channel to grow, you need to understand what is the game that you are trying to play. There are three fundamental things in creating contents for YouTube:

  1. Getting people to click on your video
  2. Keep people watching
  3. Leaving viewers satisfied

How to get more views on YouTube?

For the 1st point, it all comes down to titles and thumbnails and idea generation with concepts. Your titles and thumbnails should be sufficiently intriguing that someone actually clicks on your videos. Back in the day, people would just upload a video and that's it. Then thumbnail feature was presented and this simple picture attracted viewers and became a clicking factor that decides if you get the viewer. Now it has become an essential and inevitable part of each video.

Why are views important on YouTube?

YouTube algorithm cares a lot about how much of your video someone has watched. And if your video provides continuous value YouTube wants to promote it to recommend which becomes the mutual relationship between the creator and the platform. To get a view counted, you need to make sure that your content is engaging and valuable which makes a viewer stay on the video for the certain amount of time that YouTube will count as a view.

Viewers' satisfaction and feedback

Talking about satisfaction, it is represented by the like/dislike button which also has to do with the YouTube algorithm's promotion of your videos. So if you are dedicated to content creation and your channel growth it is essential to mention liking your video and leaving comments below. It is a simple action for your viewer and at the same time significant promotion feature, but viewers tend to forget to do that without mentioning it in the video.

Ideas content

YouTube Content Ideas to Help You Grow Your Channel — Photo №2

As you get better at these three things, now is a good time to determine your niche – the main idea for YouTube videos you create. The niche is value and target relationship. Whether it is entertainment, education, or inspiration there should be a certain value that you provide to your target audience, otherwise, they won’t watch you if they can't use it. You need to define your target audience and what value you provide to them to be able to compete with the distractions of their life. Thus, let us say you are good on the fashion subject – this becomes your target audience and the value you provide is giving them unique fashion tips that make them look better.

How to stand out

YouTube Content Ideas to Help You Grow Your Channel — Photo №3

If you want to stand out and provide uniqueness to your content, you need to treat YouTube as a business considering the market and your edge. When we do actual business, let’s say we want to open a restaurant, we do not open it in a random location. We do research to understand what your competitors are and how they develop their business. By analyzing that you can come to the conclusion of what could you have done better and then apply it to your business model to get the edge and unique proposal translated through your videos on YouTube. And then it takes a lot of time to become better in the eyes of beholder. Thus, it matters to develop editing skills and implement effects with transitions by constantly watching tutorials on the same YouTube or elsewhere while at the same time checking your channel analytics page to control how well it is going. Eventually, it makes for top content to appear in recommendations and trends.



IT entrepreneur and co-founder of VJump. His passion is travel photography, within which, he has already visited 75 countries. Photos taken during his travels are actively posted on his social networks. For example, his Instagram account has more than 1 million followers.
In addition, his documentary short film Terra del Fuego was awarded more than 30 international awards and certificates at film festivals worldwide.

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