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How to change TikTok video size

How to change TikTok video size

Updated:  Oct 14, 2024
Created:  Jul 12, 2022
Time to read:  2 min

A lot of time has passed since the appearance of such popular social networks around the world as Instagram and TikTok. And every day there are only more new users, so the number of people who create their own unique content is also growing. It should be understood that in order to catch someone's eye, it is not enough just to shoot something, you need to carefully consider the steps by which clips that will be popular in the future are shot.

Interesting video size change

Plenty of people post their own stories online and are already familiar with resizing videos or photos. But not many people understand that this feature can absolutely change the entire content and bring great popularity. The video format is exactly what you should pay attention to in the first place because different formats can both contain more information and quite the opposite.

TikTok video size ratio

If the video was shot in 2560 x 1440 format, you literally won’t be able to upload the video to the TikTok platform, because there is simply no such format. So, in order not to simply lose your time and effort, you should familiarize yourself with the formats that are available on various platforms before shooting your content. Therefore, further, there will be a few tips that will help to avoid such banal mistakes.

TikTok video size width and height

The size of the video also plays a big role, because there are certain frames that are set from the very beginning. Also, need to understand that TikTok videos last literally 15 seconds, and help a person to relax and get distracted after a hard day. Therefore, it will not be possible to upload a video for half an hour that will weigh several gigabytes.

How to change TikTok video size — Photo №1

Why is TikTok video size important

People are wondering what size is TikTok video? And there is a simple answer to such a simple question. In 2022, there are a lot of the best apps that can help you crop a video in a quality way, or compress it to the right size so that it can be uploaded to the network. And it is thanks to such applications that people no longer have questions about the size or quality of video cropping to the desired format.

What size is a TikTok video

To simply resize video for TikTok, you must follow simple steps that will help you make your content unique in a few minutes. It is also worth remembering that TikTok has, as mentioned earlier, frames, this is a clip size of up to 250 MB for iOS and also up to 75 MB for Android.

Tips in TikTok size

Do not forget about trends that, like formats, can greatly affect the popularity of your video. And in order to become an editor that can create beautiful transitions and effects, you no longer need to spend years preparing and studying materials, you just need to pay attention to tips and applications on the Internet.



IT entrepreneur and co-founder of VJump. His passion is travel photography, within which, he has already visited 75 countries. Photos taken during his travels are actively posted on his social networks. For example, his Instagram account has more than 1 million followers.
In addition, his documentary short film Terra del Fuego was awarded more than 30 international awards and certificates at film festivals worldwide.

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